Offering Flexible Cannabis Health Services for your Organization or Business Needs

Unlock the power of evidence-based cannabis health education tailored to the distinct needs of your organization or business with our specialized services. Enlighten Counseling is dedicated to providing comprehensive and customized solutions to enhance your understanding and implementation of cannabis-related health practices.

Here's what Enlighten offers:

  • Evidence-Based Expertise: Benefit from our in-depth knowledge and experience in delivering cannabis health education grounded in scientific evidence and research.

  • Tailored Solutions: We understand that each organization is unique. Our services are customized to address the specific health needs and goals of your business, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.

  • Flexible Contract Pricing: Our pricing is adaptable to the services you require. Whether you need a comprehensive education program or specific consultations, we offer competitive and flexible pricing options.

  • Free Consultation: Schedule a complimentary 20-30 minute call to discuss the specific requirements of your organization. During this call, we'll explore your unique needs and provide insights into how our services can benefit your business.

  • Personalized Approach: Enlighten Counseling believes in a collaborative approach. We'll work closely with your team to identify areas of focus and develop a tailored plan that aligns with your organizational objectives.

Empower your organization with the knowledge it needs to make informed decisions about cannabis health. Schedule a free consultation to explore the possibilities and discover how our services can benefit your unique needs.

Not a teaching service. Service does not educate or certify medical professionals.

Industry Examples:

  • Universities & Colleges

  • Hospice & Palliative Care

  • Dispensaries

  • Non-Profit Organizations (Veterans, Survivors, Awareness Groups)

  • CBD/Wellness Brands

  • Law Enforcement

  • Event Planning

  • Marketing & Advertising Companies

  • & More!

Service Options:

  • Tailored Cannabis Education and Awareness Programs

  • Individual Health Counseling

    • On-Site and Telemedicine

  • Support Groups (Veterans, College Students, Caregivers, Trauma & Cannabis, Menopause Support, Cannabis & Sleep, Cannabis-Misuse, etc.)

  • Marketing and Branding Workshops

  • Product Knowledge Workshops

  • Webinars/Online Courses

  • Collaboration with Other Wellness Services

  • Harm Reduction Initiatives

  • Crisis Intervention

  • Trauma-Informed Care

  • Cannabis and Mental Health Support

  • Staff Education (Services does not certify medical personnel)

  • And More Based on Need

By booking your appointment, you agree to the Enlighten Terms and Content Agreement.